Read pairs total
Total number of reads, each read pair counts as one.
Reads with known barcodes
Number of reads with a known barcode
Reads trusted
Number of reads trusted because they come from a known and well populated barcode with at least 40 reads.
Reads modified
Number of reads with a modified barcode. Note that barcodes were changed only if the new barcode had at least 5 reads
Reads written
Total number of reads written. (Reads with unknown barcodes are discarded by default.)
Barcoded reads written
Total number of barcoded reads written. (Reads with unknown barcodes are discarded by default.)
Read pairs per barcode
Distribution of read pairs per known and unknown barcode, before and after error correction. Modified reads show the number of read pairs in the new barcode prior to error correction.

Fastq processing

Read pairs total 89,456,633
Reads with known barcode82,978,54492.8%
Reads trusted73,914,23182.6%
Reads modified2,313,9022.6%
Reads written85,292,44695.3%
Barcoded reads written85,292,44695.3%
Read pairs total
Total number of reads, each read pair counts as one.
Reads with known barcodes
Number of reads with a known barcode
Reads trusted
Number of reads trusted because they come from a known and well populated barcode with at least 40 reads.
Reads modified
Number of reads with a modified barcode. Note that barcodes were changed only if the new barcode had at least 5 reads
Reads written
Total number of reads written. (Reads with unknown barcodes are discarded by default.)
Barcoded reads written
Total number of barcoded reads written. (Reads with unknown barcodes are discarded by default.)
Read pairs per barcode
Distribution of read pairs per known and unknown barcode, before and after error correction. Modified reads show the number of read pairs in the new barcode prior to error correction.

Fastq processing

Read pairs total 102,418,628
Reads with known barcode94,980,30992.7%
Reads trusted87,063,47985.0%
Reads modified2,660,7782.6%
Reads written97,641,08795.3%
Barcoded reads written97,641,08795.3%
Reads total
Total number of reads, each read pair counts as two.
Barcoded reads
Reads with the BX tag
Reads excluded
Reads excluded because of flag, low mapping quality, etc.
Number of reads excluded because of low mapping quality.
Anomalous pair
Reads from a pair mapped to different chromosomes.
Number of reads excluded because of BAM flags.
Number of reads marked as duplicate.
Number of unmapped reads.
Mate unmapped
Number of reads with unmapped mate from the read pair.
Number of supplementary reads.
Good reads were filtered by flag (0xf0c) and mapping quality (≥20). The x axis range was set to show at least 99.0% of the data.
Number of bases after soft-clipping
Histogram of read-lengths after trimming soft-clipped bases. Includes all mapped reads.
Unclipped reads
Number of mapped reads without soft-clips


Reads total 740,882,919
Barcoded reads 740,882,919100.0%
Reads excluded 261,503,00635.3%
.. MQ<2075,028,10910.1%
.. anomalous pair15,443,0992.1%
.. filtered186,474,89725.2%
.. duplicates117,938,95015.9%
.. unmapped19,901,8412.7%
.. mate unmapped20,537,1342.8%
.. supplementary46,474,0856.3%
Unclipped reads330,852,25445.9%
Insert size
Insert size distribution, includes all mapped read pairs. The x axis range was set to show at least 98.0% of the data with insert sizes bigger than 0 bp.
Number of bases against fragment length
Total number of bases in fragments of given length (includes bases with zero coverage). The fragment size is calculated as D + D/(N-1), where N is the number of read pairs within the fragment and D is the distance between the first and the last pair. All read pairs must map to the same chromosome with the maximum gap of 100,000 bp. At least 5 read pairs per fragment are required.
Sequences bases against fragment length
Total number of sequence in fragments of given length.
Number of fragments against fragment length
Cumulative frequency of estimated DNA fragment size. The fragment length is calculated as above.

Input DNA

Read pairs total
Total number of reads, each read pair counts as one.
Reads with known barcodes
Number of reads with a known barcode
Reads trusted
Number of reads trusted because they come from a known and well populated barcode with at least 40 reads.
Reads modified
Number of reads with a modified barcode. Note that barcodes were changed only if the new barcode had at least 5 reads
Reads written
Total number of reads written. (Reads with unknown barcodes are discarded by default.)
Barcoded reads written
Total number of barcoded reads written. (Reads with unknown barcodes are discarded by default.)
Read pairs per barcode
Distribution of read pairs per known and unknown barcode, before and after error correction. Modified reads show the number of read pairs in the new barcode prior to error correction.

Fastq processing

Read pairs total 72,026,093
Reads with known barcode66,848,35592.8%
Reads trusted55,731,82477.4%
Reads modified1,845,7032.6%
Reads written68,694,05895.4%
Barcoded reads written68,694,05895.4%
Read pairs total
Total number of reads, each read pair counts as one.
Reads with known barcodes
Number of reads with a known barcode
Reads trusted
Number of reads trusted because they come from a known and well populated barcode with at least 40 reads.
Reads modified
Number of reads with a modified barcode. Note that barcodes were changed only if the new barcode had at least 5 reads
Reads written
Total number of reads written. (Reads with unknown barcodes are discarded by default.)
Barcoded reads written
Total number of barcoded reads written. (Reads with unknown barcodes are discarded by default.)
Read pairs per barcode
Distribution of read pairs per known and unknown barcode, before and after error correction. Modified reads show the number of read pairs in the new barcode prior to error correction.

Fastq processing

Read pairs total 100,263,542
Reads with known barcode92,990,45692.7%
Reads trusted84,897,20084.7%
Reads modified2,586,3702.6%
Reads written95,576,82695.3%
Barcoded reads written95,576,82695.3%
Unique barcodes total
Number of barcode sequences (the BX tag) found in the data.
Good GEMs
"GEM" stands for Gel Bead in Emulsion. In the sequencing data GEM corresponds to a set of reads with the same BX tag. Good GEMs are barcodes which were not excluded from reasons given below.
Excluded barcodes
Number of excluded barcodes. Barcodes can be excluded because their sequence is not present in the list of 4,792,320 known barcode sequences, because there are too few read pairs with the same barcode sequence (<2) or because there is no good fragment (all reads with the same barcode map to different chromosomes).
Reads in good GEMs
Number of good reads in good GEMs (but not necessarily in good fragments).
Reads in good fragments
Number of good reads in good fragments. At least 5 read pairs per fragment are required.
Fragment size N50
Shortest fragment at 50% of the total length: sort fragments by their size in ascending order, mark the center of the entire length and report the size of the fragment which happens to be in the middle.
Fragment size N10x, N20x
Longest fragment at 10x (20x) genome coverage: sort fragments by their size in descending order, mark the point where the distance from the beginning divided by the genome length is at least 10 (20) and report the size of the fragment which happens to be at that point. Note that the genome length is determined from the BAM header as the sum of all contigs (565,965,562 bp).
Read pairs per barcode
Read pair frequency in barcodes with this many read pairs per barcode. The x axis range was set to include 93.0% of the data.
Read pairs per fragment
Read pair frequency in fragments with this many read pairs per fragment. The x axis range was set to include 0% of the data.
Fragment coverage
Average depth within fragments. The x axis range was set to include 0% of the data.


Unique barcodes total 1,693,058
Good GEMs1,207,87271.3%
Excluded barcodes485,18628.7%
.. fewer than 2 good read pairs419,79324.8%
.. no good fragments65,3933.9%
.. unlisted barcode sequence00.0%
Reads in good GEMs471,993,13063.7%
Reads in good fragments456,540,98261.6%
Fragment size N5059,820
.. N10x200,600
.. N20x169,100