Total reads
The total number of reads in all fastq files
Barcoded reads
Number of reads with barcodes written by the bxcheck trim command
Bad reads
Reads excluded for various reasons (low mapping quality, flag, mate mapped to a different chromosome)
Reads in good fragments
Number of good reads in good fragments
Shortest fragment at 50% of the total length: sort fragments by their size in ascending order, mark the center of the entire length and report the size of the fragment which happens to be in the middle.
Longest fragment at 10x genome coverage: sort fragments by their size in descending order, mark the point where the distance from the beginning divided by the genome length is at least 10 and report the size of the fragment which happens to be at that point. Note that the genome length is determined from the BAM header as the sum of all contigs.
Cumulative fraction of pairs / Reads pairs per fragment
Cumulative frequency of read pairs in fragments with this many read pairs per fragment. The data was truncated to include at least 95.0% of read pairs.
Number of fragments (density) / Fragment length
Fragment size distribution plotted as density. The fragment size is calculated as D + D/(N-1), where N is the number of read pairs within the fragment and D is the distance between the first and the last pair. All read pairs must map to the same chromosome with the maximum gap of 100,000 bp. Only fragments with more than 2 read pairs are included.
Sequenced bases / Fragment length
Total number of sequence in fragments of given length.
Fragment length / Nx coverage
Like N10x above, but calculated for all depths.
Reads in
good fragments
N50 N10x